Spoken Word


By K Breeze

Welcome to our country where leaders wakipata the best, wanasahau the rest

Wanatuburden na mizigo hatuwezi bare, something that imekosesha Wanjiku mind ya kurest

Na tuki express our grievances kupitia press,

Wanazichukulia as if hazina gain,

Imagine  the ones we trusted most ndio wamekam kutuhurt the most,wanarise tax Hadi Wana impose zile za colonizers ati za hut tax,

I say heri yule tax collector in the name Levi from the holy books,swali,

Is it right nikiita viongozi wetu the modern colonisers,sielewi,

Coz the policies they are putting in place is somehow questionable,

So jiulize,nijiulize ,tuulizane ndio tu put appropriate answer on the table.

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