Spoken Word


Alikuwa a noise maker hadi alipotuondokea… Ilibidi tuobserve a moment of silence

But haikufaa ikuwe ivi ..Caught in a mob justice man , Jemoo alikua a justice man

Mistaken injustice..

Alijaribu sema alikuwa a right man but mob justice ilisema your not man

Hivyo ndivyo Jemoo alituondokea bila makosa

Mum wake alimu advice abakie to Ocha but Jemoo alikua na dream ya kumnunulia

Mum wake Voxy little did he know alikuwa ame Noah..

From Voxy to a coffin hivyo ndo dream yake ilizima

Mum wake analia anasema ni heri angebaki Ocha tuu akalima

Indeed he was a right man nasema na uchungu ju napity this man

Mama Jemoo alienda tafta justice court ju hakukuwa na evidence  so obivious none

was arraign in court.

Mum wake akaona court was injustice pia ,, Huyu mama si ati alikuwa na hasira ,, hapana alitaka

haki itendeke kwa mtoto wake Jemmo na kwake pia.

Huyu mama alikesha kulia justice lakini hakuna aliyemskia

So alipokuwa katika safari yake ya kusaka justice ghafla akagongwa…

Na hapo safari yake ya kusaka Justice Ikaishia

Poet Dee Olach

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