Spoken Word

Fake Jamhuri

By Palma Wa Vasho


Tulipata Full madaraka on 12th December 1963,

Na since hiyo siku hakuna kitu imechange,

Juu viongozi ni wale wale tabia ni zile zile tu,

Na kitu imechange ni mabuildings tu,

Juu we keep on electing the same leaders,

Over and over again,

I still feel as a slave,

Na sinilidhani tulipata full madaraka,

Kumbe ni ya wenye wako kwa powers,

I don’t believe venye wao hujipenda,

Hawakumbuki the likes of kina Tom Mboya,

Our fore father vile walisacrifice their lives,

For this lands wanaziita their own,

Kitambo tuliishi na love and unity,

Sahi tunaishi na Hate and selfishness,

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