Spoken Word

A Land of Dualities

By Campos World

A land of beauty and diversity From savannahs to mighty seas We celebrate 60 years of independence Of dreams, of triumphs and resilience

Kenya, a land of dualities Of old traditions and modernities Of wealth and poverty, hope and fears A land of contrasts, through the years

From the Mau Mau struggles for freedom To the power plays of political kingdoms We have seen it all, from the highs to the lows Yet we stand proud, for the unity that grows

Our heroes, the pioneers of independence From Kenyatta to Odinga, their legacies immense Their sacrifice, their vision, a gift to behold For generations to come, for stories to be told

We stand tall, a united nation From the mountains to the expansive plains We celebrate our diversity and culture Our strength as a people, our future secure

Kenya, a land of dualities Of old traditions and modernities Of wealth and poverty, hope and fears A land of contrasts, through the years. As we celebrate 60 years of independence Let’s cherish our nation, our source of pride and essence For we are a people rich in history and hope A land of dualities, forever we’ll cope


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