Spoken Word



By Campos World

Wee Peana na kushoto uchukue na kulia

Ignore hizo wananchi wamezoea kulia

Call your uniform boys, few bullets Tu watatulia

Don’t even worry wakiletaa… mbele ya haki watatangulia

Si Mimi ndio kiongozi,

Ambia magazeti na TV waseme opposition ndio wezi,

Huyu sio leader nilichagua

Mwenye ananionyesha difference ya mwananchi na mwenye nchi

I want change kwa leadership, msee atatutetea kama wananchi

Msee ataelewa vile si Kwa ground huumia na sio kaa wanyama wa kupigwa bullets

Msee ataelewa this not a corrupt nation

Msee ataelewa tunalive kwa gerenation yenye dreams na ambition

Kuchange uchumi na Ku create job opportunities ndio tunadai

Where are the manifestos ulitupromise

Sii Tumechoka,

We need peace and solidarity

We need to end the trend of corruption

We need to bridge the leadership ya viongozi na common mwananchi..

Haki iwe ngao na mlinzi

Tujenge taifa letu, si huo ndio wajibu wetu.




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