By Shesia The Poet
This is the day,,,,,we celebrate our shujaas
You dont have kuvunja revord ndio ukue shujaa in someones life
You dont have kujionesha vile we ni supa hero
You dont have to fake your life ndio ukue ule msee(shujaa)
You dont have to be famous ndio uitwe shujaa
It all determines na actions zako kwa the world
It all determines with the little things you do kumake the life of someone complete
It all determines with the little things you sacrifice to make the one you love happy and contented
Well thats up to me unaeza nicorrect nikilook wrong
This day marks an important thing kwa our lives
Tunafaa kucelebrate mashujaa wa kenya,,,appreciate what they did
And at least give back to them what we can afford even if ni hug ,,,,its better
Mashujaa wa kenya hushindwa walipotelea wapy
The government of kenya l??????does it make any effort kugive back kwa hawa mashujaa ama walisha
They careless about there well being hua hawatambui
They only hold events worth millions of money
But hawawezi toa even a thousand shilling kupeleka our shujaas to the hospital
They cant even take a coin kuwanunulia chakula
They cant even give them whats rightfully theres
They are suffering because of this country
A country they risked for
A country they fought for
A country that has only brought pain in there lives
They loved there country more than themselves
But the government cannot treasure that,,,,I really wonder
Still mashujaa day is highly valued
For me ata kama sina kitu ya kuwapea
I can only pray kwa sir Jah awalinde
Awaongoze kwa hii life,,,,,also a hug ya kucomfort can do
I treasure the sacrifice you made
I respect you soo much our shujaas
Including everyone who is in my life who is not a fake All those
who are always there for pple
All those who supports without regret
All those who treasures whats seems not precious to others
You are a shujaa
Big up
And unity
To spread all over the country today
As you celebrate your shujaas
Happy mashujaa day