Spoken WordAJIRA By Admin March 22, 2023Naandika hii barua hope aliye juu ataisoma Wala si kuirarua,cause at this point amekataa kumngoja…Read more
Spoken WordEnvironment Conservation By Admin February 22, 2023By Daniel the Poet Kwa hii fight ya kuconserve environment kila mtu ako in so kwa hii verse naomba…Read more
Spoken WordBroken Mirror By Admin February 6, 2023By Campos World “Hey son, i will be away for sometime, be good, Take care of the family i love…Read more
Spoken WordInnocent Mama Jane By Admin February 6, 2023By Poet Dee Olach Eloi am here lost son and dear just wanted to ask for forgiveness kwanza Kabla…Read more
Spoken WordRoad Safety By Admin February 6, 2023By Daniel the Poet RIP to the souls we’ve lost on our roads, another one from Daniel The…Read more
Spoken WordDunia Grounded By Admin February 6, 2023 By Morgan Mojih World imecollapse,how?kama next of kwa property niskize vi(kin)keen,I’ve…Read more
Spoken WordKenyan by Mistake By Admin February 6, 2023By Shesia the Poet Ningekua nimezaliwa Somalia nikose pesa ningejoin alshabaab , Ningekua ready ata…Read more
Spoken WordME NI LEADER By Admin February 6, 2023 By Alfred musinda –Campos world (Naam, naam karibu bwana, nasikia aah unataka kua…Read more
Spoken WordMORGAN MOJIH By Admin January 25, 2023Sure,economy ndio demon of death inashake existence yetu.Hatu-afford high cost ya kulive for…Read more
Spoken WordShesia the Poet By Admin January 25, 2023Mhesh, Nilirauka alfajiri, Nilirauka ili nikuajiri, Hicho cheo kisifanye utengane na maskini, Baada…Read more