By Caroline Boyani
Every five years, Kenyans vote for new leaders. The outcome is that some are happy, and some are angry. The legislators convene in various committees and draft and pass bills on our behalf. During elections, many say that the electorates are the priority. Sooner or later, their actions do not reflect the same. Many of them start starving the electorate instead of serving them. Many electorates feel this way, at least as far as the Finance Bill, 2023 is concerned.
Damaris is a vegetable vendor in Majengo Food Market. She complained about the high prices of commodities.
“A customer comes to purchase tomatoes and onions, and you tell them the price per kilogram has gone up, and they feel you are at fault. As a businessperson, I’m trying to make a profit and fit into my customers’ shoes. The representatives we chose are starving us to death,” she added.
Kevin a matatu driver who commutes using the ferry to Mtwapa commented on how the government is keen to tax its citizens while the leaders are asking for salary increments.
“Most of them will not deliver on their promises and blame delayed reimbursement of funds. If they really cared, they would cut down on their spending since most of their expenses aren’t necessary,” he explained.
After almost a year in office, few elected leaders have made any progress. In five years, they will ask for our votes again. “I could not do that. My superior had more powers. If you elect me, I’ll do better than my predecessor,” they will say, and with our unwavering gullibility, we will believe them.
We will be unjust not to applaud some leaders and individuals who keep their promises. We need to wisen up about our choices if we hope for better results. As a nation, despite the significant steps we have made over the years, we are quickly falling behind, and if we are not careful, we will end up being a country full of resources but lacking peace and stability.
We should always be keen to elect leaders who are keen and eager to serve and not those who will starve us to death.