
Empowering Nairobi County Ward Committees for Climate Action

By Treezer Michelle Atieno

In the wake of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-6), Nairobi County’s Ward Climate Change Planning Committees (WCCPC) embarked on a comprehensive three-day training session at a hotel in Nairobi.

This initiative, conducted in collaboration between the Nairobi City County Government and the Adaptation Consortium (ADA), aimed to fortify committee members with the requisite knowledge and tools for implementing climate change actions across diverse sectors.

Amid the deliberations at UNEA-6, where global leaders convened to address pressing environmental challenges- through initiatives like the WCCPC training, Nairobi’s commitment to local action was a highlight. Ms Grace Ojiayo, Assistant Director of Climate Change and Air Quality for Nairobi County underscored the imperative of capacitating committee members: “To fulfil their mandates effectively, committee members need capacity building and access to necessary resources. WCCPCs must emerge as champions within their sectors, seamlessly integrating climate actions across all county sectors.”

Against the backdrop of UNEA-6, key declarations and resolutions were made, emphasizing the urgency of climate action and the need for localized efforts to combat environmental degradation. These declarations provided a framework for Nairobi County’s endeavours, aligning the WCCPC training with global priorities in climate resilience and sustainability.

Central to Nairobi County’s climate action strategy is the pending adoption of the Nairobi City County Climate Change Bill by the County Assembly. This landmark legislation delineates the roles and responsibilities of three distinct committees: The Steering Committee, the Climate Change Planning Committee, and the Ward Climate Change Committee. Each committee plays a specialized role in executing climate change actions tailored to the unique needs of local communities.

The WCCPC training garnered participation from committee members and Climate Change and Air Quality Monitoring Unit staff members. This inclusive approach ensured all stakeholders had the knowledge and skills to contribute meaningfully to climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts.

Beyond its immediate objectives, the WCCPC training exemplifies Nairobi County’s proactive stance towards climate change management by investing in grassroots capacity building; the county endeavours to mainstream climate actions across all sectors, fostering resilience and sustainability in the face of environmental challenges.

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