
Celebrating Heroes Day. Who is your Hero?

By Seliphar Machoni

It was a sunny day in Kericho County, Kenya, and the streets were lined with flags as people rushed to celebrate Heroes Day. Everyone was excited to honor the courageous men and women who had fought for their freedom.

As the main ceremony began, the audience listened attentively to speeches from the President, the Vice President, and the local leaders, who paid tribute to the heroes who adorn Kenyan history. They recounted tales of bravery and sacrifice, invoking the names of legends like Mau Mau, Dedan Kimathi, and Jomo Kenyatta.

Suddenly, a commotion erupted at the back of the crowd. People turned to see a young boy, no more than ten years old, standing on a bench and waving a homemade banner. On it was a picture of his father, a local hero who had passed away in the line of duty.

The boy’s presence caused a stir, but the mood quickly turned to one of admiration as he began to speak. His voice was small, but his words were powerful. He spoke of his father’s sacrifice and how he had given his life to uphold the values of justice and freedom.

As he finished, the crowd erupted into applause. A group of veterans approached him, and one of them knelt to pin a medal onto his chest. The boy beamed with pride as the crowd cheered him on.

That day, everyone in Kenya felt like a hero. They had come together to celebrate the courage and sacrifice of their ancestors, but they had also borne witness to a new kind of heroism – one embodied by a young boy with a message of hope and bravery.

The sun finally set on Heroes Day, and people went home with a renewed sense of purpose. They knew that they could carry on the legacy of their heroes, creating a new generation of brave men and women who would fight for freedom and justice.

We tend to celebrate Heroes known in the country like Dedan Kimathi, Jomo Kenyatta, and the rest forgetting that we have our heroes living with us, who lived with us, who impacted our lives positively. Those people are our parents, they are our heroes.

As we prepare to celebrate Mashujaa Day which will be celebrated nationally in Kericho County as announced by the Head of Public Service Felix Koskei, let’s prepare to acknowledge not only the heroes and heroines who fought for our independence but also those who live among us.

In a memo, the Cabinet Secretary for Interior and National Administration Kithure Kindiki has outlined the theme of the day.

“The theme of the celebration is “Universal Health Care”. In this regard, please note that the thematic committee should start the process of designing activities leading to the launch of the UHC program at the venue,” the memo reads.

Mashujaa Day is meant to celebrate all the heroes and heroines who took part in struggling for Kenya’s independence and those who have contributed positively to post-independence Kenya.

Kericho County governor Erick applauded the move terming it a great honor for Kericho County to play host to the national event.

“It is a sign of confidence and the potential that the Kericho County has in contributing to the national economy and cohesion which President William Ruto’s administration is keen on building,” said Mutahi.

The business community in Kericho County, especially the hotel industry, has been called upon to take advantage and improve their facilities to accommodate the expected high number of visitors.

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