
A Trader Shot To Death Over A Bribe

By Habiba Wakio

Bernard arrived at the market at the usual time, bringing in five bags of pepper from his farm. Everyone loved fresh groceries, and that is why his pepper attracted a huge number of loyal customers. With the fluctuation of prices and increase in taxation, he needed to make more sales to be able to manage his family’s expenses. His twin daughters would be joining high school the following year, while his son was set to start college. His wife used to sell potatoes alongside him, but she stopped working immediately she delivered their youngest daughter.

Aaron came over to help Bernard carry the sacks to the place where he sells his pepper. A constable approached him from behind.

“You are the man who sells drugs around here?”

“No, officer. This is only pepper,” replied Aaron.

“You think I don’t know what goes on around here? I am aware that bhang is hidden in between the pepper.”

“What is going on?” Bernard asked, standing next to his friend.

Aaron let out a sigh of relief. “Officer, the owner is here. You can talk to him.”

The constable turned to Bernard. “How dare you sell bhang in this market?”

“I don’t sell that. Believe me, this is fresh pepper from my farm. If you like, I can take them out for you to see.”

“You’re now arguing with me. Listen. Don’t waste any of my time. Just give me sh500.”

“I just arrived here. I haven’t made any sales.”

“Sh 400 would do.”

“Sorry, Sir. I don’t have that either. The only money I have is sh200.”

“You are not serious.” The police cocked his gun and fired.

Aaron fled for his life as Bernard dropped to the ground. Later in the hospital, Aaron discovered that the bullet had cut through Bernard’s intestines and nothing could be done to save him. Aaron felt a sharp pain across his chest. He could not believe that he had lost his friend so suddenly. The late Bernard had dreamt of expanding his business, but it was now invalid. As Aaron stood next to his friend’s farewell banner, he mourned for all that could have been had the incident not happened. The family was left shattered and inconsolable.

The police responsible was finally caught and kept in custody, pending a court appearance. The widow demanded for justice.

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