Spoken Word

Ukweli Ni

By Poet Denkuz

Nimegrow from zile fom za thirty first
I no longer get excited at the first sight
Theres nothing new
Same pieces
Same arts
Same feelings
Trying to look new with a different vibe
Nimegrow from rising with the sun,
Nowadays I’m counting stars with the moon
I’m writing my words in the sky
Bado nasaka peace in the dark nights
Bado nasaka harmony in the cold nights
I’ve watched the stars falling and that wasn’t my wish Usiniambie nimake a wish
Time nawish all stars to rise
Kuna souls namiss zikirise
There’s a different taste
Ukimiss salt kwa rice
Namiss Ras kwa mic
Ningekua MC ningeperfom bila Mike
Nakosaga kulipa madeni
Ndo maana sijawai jidai
Ntakosa kujilipa


Ukweli ni …..

Corona imenifanya ni lose job, Yet huko nyumbani,
Still wananiita bread winner,
So tell me what am going to do, Na bread imepanda

From three meals per day,
To just a dinner
Life imekua so hard,
Another year done
Congratulations to us
Mothers, fathers and children of the nation Tume learn life is short

And you only lie once
But no one wants it
So, ukweli ni….
Apart from corona,
There are so many diseases That have not been stated,

Young men are mentally ill Some need medication Before it kills them out

So tragic mtaa haina taa tena, We living TODAY
Na daily wanatushow
ViJANA ndo viongozi wa KESHO Hiyo kesho haijai fika

Ndo maana mayouth wanaend up Kubribe mind zao ndo waone kesho,

So minds zimekua bribed na drugs Ndo ziwadrag closer to better days…

Ukweli ni …..

Mamorio mtaa wanaishi in fantasy.. Juu life imeturn to fiction
Na reality imekua too overrated Young girls wamekua affected, Being drop outs and getting married At an early age,

Wamekua parents with children With no apparent reasons. Walisema education is the key
I guess ndo maana campus
Before classes comrades hutoa lock Na sijai blame society,

Juu mtaani ata ukiwa SOBER

Huwezi pata SOO kwa BAR Economy is wanting na one thing Hawa politicians wametugeuza odds

Venye daily wanatuplace…

Ukweli ni…

Cases of People dying of hunger Are more than the corona cases.. And no one will tell you this… Call it a deep state

And find how deep it is to stay hungry… The only thing left is hope,
Tuna hope
Hope atapata peace again

To make everything count And bring back the change Tutakua proud of…

Ukweli ni…

Better days zitakam
When life and happiness Zitashikana pamoja
Zitoe Joy akiwa na smiles..

Sanaa kwa sana Poetry for knowledge

And that was my time I’m out ..



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