By Lucy Wanjiru
The wave of unlawful arrests targeting young people in Kenya has sparked outrage
among Gen Z, who are demanding an end to these injustices. In recent months, there
has been an increase in youth detained without due process, often for participating in
peaceful protests or simply voicing dissent. These arrests attempt to stifle the voices of
the younger generation, who are increasingly advocating for change and holding
leaders accountable.
Gen Z has taken to social media and organized peaceful protests to condemn these
unlawful arrests, calling them a violation of basic human rights. They argue that the
youth can express their opinions and participate in the democratic process without fear
of retribution. The younger generation is particularly concerned about the long-term
implications of these arrests, which they believe are meant to intimidate and silence
The call for justice is growing louder, with Gen Z demanding the immediate release of all
unlawfully detained youth and the cessation of such oppressive practices. They are also
urging the government to respect the rule of law and ensure that the rights of all
citizens, regardless of age, are protected. As they continue to push back against these
injustices, Gen Z is proving to be a formidable force in the fight for human rights and
democracy in Kenya.